Self-certification for Kitemark® installers


22 March 2006

BSI Product Services have just received approval from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (DCLG) to operate their Kitemark® scheme for the survey and installation of windows and doors as an Approved Competent Persons self-certification scheme


Effective from 6 April 2006, this approval means that Kitemark® licensees will be able to issue Building Regulations certificates for the window and door installations that they carry out – something that can only currently be done via FENSA or local building control.

Kitemark® - increasing consumer confidence

The Kitemark® scheme for window installers was launched to help combat poor installation and finishing of windows and doors. An increasing number of companies are now experiencing the benefits of this scheme.

This approval from the DCLG means that the Kitemark® scheme can offer installers a complete package from the survey to the installation to the issue of Building Regulations certificates and notification to local authorities. With over 80% of UK consumers recognising the Kitemark® as a symbol of quality and trust consumer confidence is bound to improve for Kitemark installation companies.

Differentiating certified installers

"The Kitemark® clearly differentiates certified installers from their competitors: enabling them to self-certify their work is the final piece to add to the jigsaw," says Elaine Durno, BSI's Construction Product Manager. 

"Now the Kitemark® truly offers the complete package – from product quality to installation service and now Building Regulations certifications and local authority notification.”